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ISM features

ISM - Internet Status Monitor

24x7 Proactive analysis of the user experience

ISM performs the same steps as the end-user, browsing sites and clicking on their selections. Check the service quality that the users perceive.

ISM online

Web availability and visual times, always available from the Management Console

In the Management Console online reports are available showing the data generated by ISM robots (web availability, visual time...)

ISM Alerts

ISM alerts by e-mail and / or SMS

ISM allows you to manage self-customizable alarms, which can be sent by e-mails and /or SMS to operators notifying a service fail. It allows you to set automatic notifications if visual times do not match the thresholds too.

ISM Service

Features monitoring service website

NexTReT web site monitoring service consists of:

International web monitoring

Monitor your website from other countries

ISM Robot location can be chosen to monitor and collect user experience data from other countries.

Other service quality solutions

Additional solutions for use ISM

For optimal service management is also necessary to measure, analyze and act on other factors through complementary solutions:

  • Ipanema: It manages application performance in a complex Wan environment.
  • Opnet: It monitors application performance in a network environment, both locally and WAN.